In End-to-End Visibility into T&E Expense Management: Mobile Comes to the Table, a recent report by Aberdeen Group, author Louis Berard, senior analyst for global supply management, presented hard numbers to illustrate just how cost-effective expense management software can be. According to Berard, companies that use end-to-end T&E software to automate the process from start to finish have an average processing cost of $11.28 per expense report, compared to $18.03 at organizations without such a system in place. After some quick math, it becomes clear that the difference can be significant.
"If, for example, a midmarket company processes approximately 1,000 expense reports per month, using an end-to-end solution will … result in an approximate yearly savings of $86,160," Berard wrote. "In addition, an end-to-end solution will allow for greater visibility and automation."
Users of end-to-end systems also are more apt to take advantage of mobile applications for T&E, Berard noted, which he said will gain in importance in coming years. "Invest in mobile apps that will enhance your suite of products. … The projected growth toward apps and mobile devices will double and triple for 2013," he wrote.
Many of Vita Plus' sales reps use Certify's mobile app, mainly for capturing receipts, Messinger said. "Our IT staff automatically installs the app on any product they get -- computers, iPhones, iPads -- so they are fully capable of doing expense reports on their iPad if that's what works best for them," she said. "It gives them the option to do whatever's most convenient."
Looking back on her company's time with Certify, Messinger had a few pieces of advice for companies considering adopting expense management software. "Take the time in advance to get everything set up correctly, and make sure you're well-trained on it to make sure you're prepared to answer questions," she said. "Other than that, just do your research and find out what meets your needs the best."
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