Monday, June 30, 2014

Big Reasons that your Business Benefits from Expense Reporting Software

Certify's expense management software allows business to make their expense reporting process entirely digital - and, in turn, allows them to make their expense reporting process entirely mobile. The employees at your office are likely attached to their smartphones all day - answering emails, sending texts, dialing into conference calls and much more. When employees are on their business trip, their smartphones may as well be a traveling office. They use those devices to stay connected. So shouldn't they be able to use them when creating and publishing their expense reports?

When your office implements automated expense reporting software, it'll be making the involved process much easier for employees to complete. Yet that will only be true if employees are able to make use of that software via smartphones and other mobile devices. Here are four reasons - among many others - that mobile-based expense reporting is necessary for the modern office:

1. Handle your expense reporting on the road Employees hate having to take time out of their day to arrange their expense reports, vet them against company policies, and publish the results. With Certify Mobile, they won't even need to handle their expense reports inside the office. The program automatically creates an expense report at the end of your company's dictated period, and all the employee has to do is verify and publish the results. Employees who use Certify will have their expense reports published in a matter of minutes, instead of hours - they can likely complete the entire process within the confines of a day's commute.

2. All-over-the-place access As mentioned above, Certify users can even verify and publish their expense reports during their morning commutes. That's because our cloud-based database allows for access to information from anywhere. When you're out on a business trip, you can quickly check through your costs to-date to ensure that you're not violating company policy. If you're a manager, you can watch costs in real-time during a business trip, and reallocate funds as necessary. If you're on the road and realize you need to publish your expense report from your mobile phone, you'll be able to do so. Certify Mobile allows for all-over-the-place access - which will never fail to come in handy for the on-the-go worker.

3. There's no way for data to be lost With Certify, all your expense-related data is backed up in the cloud, so you never have to worry about important data being lost in the shuffle, accidentally deleted or harmed in any other way. However, that's not the only way that mobile-based expense reporting protects your company information. Certify reshapes the way that a business approaches expense reporting - and our automated process ensures that no important documents are ever lost again.

Certify's automated process means that employees never even have to handle the paper receipts that regard the costs they've rung up. They simply have to take a picture of the receipt - our program culls all the necessary data from that receipt image automatically. Every office has been beset by confusion when a big-ticket receipt or another expense-related document accidentally goes missing. With Certify, that'll never happen again - because there's no need for the paper receipts to be stored in the first place.

4. Make things easier for your employees In short, automated expense reporting programs with mobile support - such as Certify - simply make life easier for employees. It cuts down on the number of documents they need to save while simultaneously allowing for far easier access to expense-based materials. It improves an office in innumerable ways.

Sync Corporate Credit Card Transactions Using Expense Reporting Software

A corporate credit card is a major responsibility that an employee should not take lightly. While this card is frequently provided to staff members to help them make business purchases when necessary, it can be problematic if company leaders ignore expense reports.

Top-of-the-line expense management software helps businesses deal with corporate credit card transactions. Business leaders who require their work teams to supply receipts can use Certify to simplify the expense reporting process thanks in part to a first-rate platform.

The importance of quality corporate credit card expense reporting Offering a corporate credit card to an employee is a difficult decision for a business, particularly for those that have strict budgets. Company officials will consider all of their options before providing a corporate card to a staff member, and their decisions could have far-flung effects.

A corporate credit card is designed to make it easier for businesses to manage on-the-job expenses. However, businesses that fail to devote the necessary time and resources to their expense reporting processes could struggle. In fact, some companies might even find that corporate credit cards can be costly and time-consuming if these firms do not manage them properly.

With Certify, business leaders can minimize the challenges they might otherwise face with corporate credit card transactions. This intuitive system accepts information from major credit card companies such as American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Diners Club, along with issuing banks. Meanwhile, companies can quickly sync corporate credit card transactions with Certify and reap the rewards of the solution for years.

Certify is a user-friendly system A fast, effective expense reporting process is crucial for companies, especially for businesses that want to optimize their productivity. By using Certify, companies can help employees manage their corporate credit card transactions and submit accurate, timely expense reports.

For example, a worker who makes a purchase with his or her corporate credit card will see the transaction appear in his or her Certify Wallet within one to two days. This employee can take advantage of Certify's electronic capture methods to provide numerous details about the expense and submit an expense report to his or her supervisor for review.

Certify matches credit card charges with receipts to deliver a clean expense report to managers. The system is worthwhile for companies that issue corporate credit cards to workers and may help firms noticeably boost their efficiency.